TCL Level 3 Certificate in Graded Examination in Rock and Pop (Grade 8)
1. Produce a secure and sustained performance that demonstrates a discriminating and sensitive personal interpretation
* Perform with keen attention to dynamics, articulation and phrasing
* Perform with a high level of musical sensitivity and a convincing grasp of appropriate style, with a clear, distinctive and authoritative musical personality
2. Perform with confidence and a sense of authority and control that engages the audience wholeheartedly
* Perform with confidence and effective engagement with the audience
3. Show familiarity with the full compass of the instrument/ voice and employ advanced techniques with even control across all registers
* Perform with a strong command of technique with musical and sensitive control of intonation and other instrumental/vocal resources
4. Demonstrate a range of technical and musical abilities through either a quick study piece or improvisation
* Respond to a quick study piece with accuracy in notes and tonality, fluency, imaginative musical development, strong planning and construction, and full and creative use of instrumental/vocal resources
* Improvise with well-controlled and imaginative melodic development, clear and appropriate harmonic vocabulary, appropriate length and full and creative use of instrumental/vocal resources
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