TCL Level 2 Certificate in Graded Examination in Rock and Pop (Grade 5)
1. Produce a performance that demonstrates a sound understanding of the material, leading to a personal and imaginative interpretation
* Give a performance that pays close attention to musical and notational details
* Perform with awareness of and sensitivity to appropriate style, with evidence of an emerging musical personality
2. Perform confidently with projection, control and engagement with the audience
* Give a performance that is rhythmically secure and has a strong sense of pulse
* Perform confidently with a consistent sense of performance and engagement with the audience
3. Show evidence of consistent application of developing technical skills and sound production
* Perform with a solid command of technique, good intonation and a musical control of other instrumental/vocal resources
* Perform with consistently good production, flexibility and projection of sound
4. Demonstrate a range of technical and musical abilities through either a quick study piece or improvisation
* Respond to a quick study piece with fluency, accurate notes and tonality, and detailed phrasing, articulation and dynamics
* Improvise with well-controlled and imaginative melodic development, strong planning and structure, appropriate harmonic vocabulary, and full use of instrumental/vocal resources relevant to Grade 5
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