TCL Entry Level Award in Graded Examination in Rock and Pop (Initial)
1. Produce a performance that demonstrates a basic foundation on their instrument and shows some interpretation
* Perform with adequate continuity and a sense of pulse
* Perform with some evidence of individual interpretation
2. Perform audibly with a sense of enthusiasm and enjoyment and with some awareness of audience
* Demonstrate some sense of performance with some confidence and capacity for audience engagement
3. Demonstrate that the foundations of a secure technique have been established 3.1 Demonstrate a generally adequate technique
* Perform with an adequate basic sound
4. Demonstrate a range of technical and musical abilities through either a quick study piece or improvisation
* Respond to a quick study piece with attention to note values and pitches
* Improvise with some melodic development, some harmonic awareness, and a basic use of instrumental/vocal resources relevant to Initial level
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